Thursday, September 26, 2013


Hummus is almost an everyday snack food for many many people. I have no idea why, but it is so damn addictive, I've never even thought that (apparently) I can be in deep love with beans. There are so many ways  to make the huge variety of spreads and dips, with different kind of beans, not chickpeas only,  even though at the end it's not exactly hummus, but still delicious.

I'm trying to keep it on a healthy side, but I am OK with store-bought hummus. However my preference goes to one brand among others: "Sabra hummus". If you read its label, it won't question you as many other competitor brands with lots of 0_o?? ingredients. There is also a nice mediterranean store at 39th and 9th ave, where you can buy a simple hummus in a can, and then mix it with olive oil and lemon juice at home before serving.
Here is my attempt to make hummus.
I followed an easy path and made it with canned chickpeas (yes. being lazy).
Unfortunately, using the wrong source of information and having no practice I got a very bland and runny hummus.
However! I was quite persistent aka  pissed that I didn't manage to cook such a simple thing as a hummus and fixed my mistakes and got REALLY GOOD hummus at the end.
Here are few mistakes I made:
1. Not enough garlic. Hummus is not a hummus without a garlic in it (don't add too much though..)
2. Too much liquid.
3. Lack of spices.
If you already added too much liquid, try to thicken it with the chia and flax seeds.

Homemade Hummus:
1 can of chickpeas
2 tbsp reserved liquid (from the can)
2 tbsp tahini
2 medium garlic cloves
3 tbsp lemon juice
4 tbsp olive oil
pinch sea salt
1 tsp cumin
fresh parsley for decorations
Dry the chickpeas and reserve their liquid. Pulse the chickpeas in a blender, slowly adding garlic, tahini, lemon juice, reserved liquid and olive oil. Blend until you have the desired texture: you can regulate it from more coarse to the silky smooth. And that's basically it. Spread it on toasted pita, dip mini carrots and celery in it (fingers will work too).

No need to stick to my ingredients list, as it varies to your liking. Mix in whatever you want to, and make a very exclusive and your very own bowl of unique hummus. Go on and add bell peppers, sun dried tomatoes, basil, paprika, dill,zaatar, mushrooms, turmeric, pine nuts, olives,and many many other favorites of yours. Pick the consistency you prefer: skip half of the liquid if you like more stiff hummus or add more olive oil with lemon juice to thin it out.

The idea is to keep those basic ingredients together (along with proportions): chickpeas, liquid from it, tahini, garlic, lemon juice and olive oil. And then only the sky is a limit :-) Play around with it!

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